Well here we are,

It is now May 25th 2015, and I’ve been home for a month now from hospital / rehab.  On April 7th 2015, I went into hospital (Austin Repatriation) for what is known as a femoral osteotomy (fancy way of saying breaking the left thigh bone) with a rod inserted and a bone graft.  Needed to have the surgery done because of the bow I had in the leg.  The bow was caused due to the left femur being broken back in 1983 after an accident between myself on a push bike and a vehicle colliding.  The femur healed with the bow – and after 30 something years, with all the strain being put on the knee (which was exacerbated by my weight) means I will need to have a full knee replacement.  This meant the femur needed rectification before the knee could be done to ensure it is successful.

To say I’m lucky to be here is an understatement – while the surgeon was working on the femur, an artery (which had adhered to the bone where it had knitted from the old break) burst, and I lost half of my blood volume.  This meant that instead of a 3 hour operation, I was in surgery for 5 hours while the surgeon and his team tried to stabilise and save me.  Thanks to the great skill of the surgeon and his team, I’m able to write about it now.

Anyway – the swelling has gone down, and I’m getting around on one crutch now (still need to go back to two every once in a while), and my back plays up now that my body is trying to get use to being in it’s correct position – as the left leg is now at it’s correct length (lost 3 cm due to the bow and the way it healed back in 1983).

By Ven