Well – that’s it for 2009 and now for 2010
Well, that was the year that was, and to give you a brief idea of how I spent it, and my plans for 2010.
Well – did turn out to be an interesting year. Australia was one of the last countries for EDS to convert to HP. Management were hoping that the majority of those that they needed would take up a job offer with a subsidiary company called Mphasis – and not take across any entitlements. With such a loud uproar, management backed down and withdrew the offers. Rumour has it that the Mphasis management finally realised after due diligence that what they were trying to do was breaking the Australian laws. I’ve finally transitioned my role to the Mphasis staff members (who happen to be Indians), and picking up the odd job or two in HP.
There is also some redundancies happening, and 2 I know of were told 2 weeks prior to Christmas that they would no longer be needed. So come January 2010 – they will need to look for another job. What a great Christmas present.
The year to come shapes up to be an interesting year, as I am doing odd jobs within the organisation. It could mean the end of my current career, which started in April 1989. We’ll see what the year brings.
Not a lot happened this year family wise – my brother has finished his training course for promotion, and is getting prepared for a move to Canberra. Mum and Peter have been taking it pretty easy – trying to set up some web based businesses. They’ve the potential to take off – let’s hope.
My brother will move to Canberra this year, I’m starting to get into an exercise regime as I need to get some weight off. The goal to this – will be a trip overseas to Denver, and maybe Vegas.
Caught up again with Sam Butler and friends. Always good to catch up with friends.
Also, this year has been a year for births:-
Pauline and Rodney Cooper were delighted to announce the arrival of a baby sister for Bernadette in November. Her name is Josephine.
Deb Kelly, announced the arrival of her first daughter – Annie Jayde in July.
Gyanesh Dayal announced the arrival of Rohan in November – a baby brother for Reeha.
At this stage – no news from friends as to what they are up-to, so we’ll see what happens.